Online Therapy
Online therapy is now a common and accepted way to engage with a mental health professional. Online therapy now allows for more access to mental health care than ever before.
How Does Online Therapy Work?
Online therapy, like all telehealth, uses secure video feed to connect therapist with patient, creating a safe container in the setting of a virtual meeting space.
Benefits of Online Therapy
- Effectiveness: While online therapy isn't for everyone, many people find it to be as effective as in-person care. A growing body of knowledge is showing that online counseling can have a similar outcome as face-to-face encounters.
- Convenience: Online therapy is undeniably convenient, avoiding travel to and from and limits disruptions to your day.
- Access to a specialist: For patients with disabilities, online counseling offers access to a wide range of healthcare providers. Online therapy has also made counseling more available to patients with geographical barriers to care providers.
- Privacy: Telehealth technology provides platforms for treatment that are private and HIPPA compliant.